Four Different Types Of Asthma
There are several forms of asthma that a person can suffer from though some of these forms are more special due to the fact that they are caused by a special set of conditions. These four different asthmatic conditions include exercise induced, hidden, aspirin induced, and finally occupational asthma.
Asthma: Induced By Exercising
The first of these or the condition that is induced by exercise results in experiencing difficulties in breathing normally which occurs after an especially heavy amount of exercising. These very intense as well as long drawn out exercises can tax a person’s endurance and also their physical condition. However, an asthmatic that suffers from this form of asthma might still be able to continue exercising even in spite of experiencing asthmatic symptoms.
The second type or hidden asthma occurs on account of a cough condition that has not been properly diagnosed and so this condition is therefore termed as asthma that is cough variant. Sometimes, cold weather can trigger off an attack and it can also onset after performing exercises and once it develops it will nag you and keep you from sleeping and will even cause you to awaken even from very deep slumber.
Aspirin induced asthma is another form that typically affects adults who are already asthmatic and who take certain drugs to cure their condition. Unfortunately, these drugs can give rise to adverse asthmatic reactions and will result in a runny nose that causes heavy discharge and this condition may even persist for a couple of years. It also makes the patient lose their sense of taste as too smell and something known as nasal polyps can also start growing in the nose.
Finally, occupational asthma is a variant that is often caused because there may be certain substances present in the air at a person’s workplace that can bring on an asthmatic attack. Such a condition occurs as a by-product of modern industrial growth as too development in modern science. The result of occupational asthma is developing flu-like symptoms as well as increase in wheezing and coughing and in fact, this condition is typically termed as ‘Monday morning blues’.
The right asthma treatment when provided to an asthmatic in a timely manner can help them considerably. With the ready availability of many wonderful medications it has become considerably easier to treat such conditions and it also helps in preventing future attacks. Typically, treatment options include medications, use of inhalers as well as nebulizers.